Details & Distractions

American-Made Outdoor Gear: Must-Haves For Summer 2022
The right outdoor gear is essential to make the most of your summer. Check out our list of must-have outdoor equipment so you can have some summer fun!

Save The Bees: How You Can Help
The bee population has been in steep decline in recent years. From 2020 to 2021, beekeepers across the US have lost 45.5% of their managed honeybee colonies...

A Guide to Eco-Friendly Camping in 2022
Eco-friendly camping is not as difficult as you may think! Here are a few steps to help reduce your carbon footprint...

Japanese Forest Medicine
You may have heard the term before, but what really is “forest bathing”? It’s not rolling around in a pile of leaves or scrubbing your body with pinecones.

Meet The Maker: Jelt’s Very Own Jen Perry
Who said you can’t mix work and play? Jelt Belt founder Jen Perry certainly thinks that a healthy mix is a necessity – in fact did the interview fo...

5 Spooky Stories Perfect for Your Next Campfire
A long-standing camping tradition is sitting under the night sky telling stories while huddled up around a burning fire. It’s October now, and even...

Historic Hiking Series: Western Idaho
With Spring in session and a surely memorable Summer on the horizon, the Advanced Primate team wants everyone to take full advantage of being able ...

Nature Makes Me Happy
The grounding feeling of calmness that you get when outside in a beautiful setting; that relaxing feeling that really puts the world into perspecti...

Spring Training in Boise: The Grand Slam Challenge
We are a couple of years into the big-separation-of-humans, and if you are anything like me you are tired of seeing the inside of your own house. Y...

Perhaps the Perfect Windbreaker? Pumice Jacket Review
Back for another totally insightful review, fellow day hiker Emily Tidwell drops by to share her thoughts on one of our favorite jackets ever, the ...

The Road to Adventure Series: Driving Salt Lake to Seattle Pt 1
So many people think this is a long boring drive, but this edition of our Road to Adventure series will show you just how much more there is to see...

7 Things You Should Know Before Picking Your First Hiking Pack
Hiking is the perfect activity to introduce yourself to the great outdoors. One of the biggest mistakes that beginner hikers tend to make is settin...